Today we took my oldest son Livingston to his new school's open house to meet with his kindergarten teacher and check out the surroundings. He's usually a pretty confident kid, but admitted that he was a bit nervous about going to a 'big boy' school. I would've loved to bottle up his excitement from our visit, because I haven't seen him that excited over something in quite some time (well, other than when I drove him up to Six Flags and pretended we were going to go on one of my boring business meetings, for him only to realize we were in for a day of 'Mommy and me' fun). After meeting with the teacher, we let him lead the way to the gym for the moonbounce that was brought in especially for today. He bounced for a little bit then was smooshed by a falling bigger kid and wanted to get out of the bounce and go explore his school more. We found the cafeteria, office and library. I got to peek into the computer lab as well...I can't believe how many computers are in schools now. WOW. Even his classroom has about 4-5 computers.
Finally, Livingston wanted to visit the music room, because to those who know him well, know that music is how he breathes and drumming is his heartbeat. We found the nice sized music room and was pleased to meet the teacher who is a lovely Japanese lady with a warm smile. Anyhow, she does knows about Japanese taiko drumming (his absolute favorite type of drumming) and said that she had drums in her class that they get to play also. I think he's in love. I actually think I saw the cartoon bubble hearts floating out of his chest. Drawback: music class starts in first grade...poor guy...one more year of daydreaming of Ms. Y. and her classroom drums.
Right now, all is at peace in the house, everyone is either in quiet time or napping (including Daddy!) and I get to have "mommy quiet time" that I always crave, and alas the egg timer will ring soon, and it will be time to return to my boys of chaos.