Sunday, March 22, 2009

Kung Fu

I've noticed that this past year, Livingston has been drawing more and more (today he was working on drawing four leaf clovers). He used to enjoy a he was growing up but it seems like he is truly enjoying going and getting crayons and paper more now a days. That makes me really happy because he didn't seem that interested before. Maybe it was just him being a boy and wanting to run and jump tirelessly rather than sit still and create. He has always loved to craft with me and cook. He never gets tired of cooking and in turn sometimes it's hard for me to get him out of the kitchen too! I hope he'll become an amazing cook one day so I don't have to worry about him when he goes to college. Hahaha...

This evening Livingston and I went outside so that he could show me some of his kung fu moves. He did a lot of jump kicks and showed me some of his staf work, he is so surprisingly coordinated, so unlike me...unless I'm dancing. Otherwise I'm kinda clutzy.

This is my favorite photo, he jumped so high that I lost his head in the frame.

He has been working super hard on cart wheels and can do like 10 or so without passing out from the dizzyness! I'd lose my dinner if I was doing it, man, boys and their endless amount of energy!!!

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