Thursday, September 4, 2008

4 Months and One Week

Today Beckham and I went to the doctor's for his 4 month check-up. We sat in the waiting room, for about an hour and some change watching "The View" patiently until we were called. Immediately, our favorite nurse D greeted us warmly with her caring smile and radiant energy as I disrobed the little guy to get his stats. Naked and wiggly, he measured out to be 25 inches long (50th percentile) and a whopping 17 lbs (90th percentile). Boy, was I surprised! I didn't realize he weighed so much because two months ago he was only 12 lbs. My two kids definitely seem to have a different growing pattern this first year. Livingston was on the smaller side in his first year and didn't reach the 50th percentile until he was around a year old. I call Beckham my Caucasian baby and Livingston my Asian baby. Hahahah... Doctor N said that he was very healthy and did a fantastic job tracking his light scope in all directions and did very well on his tummy, everything looks great! Yey!

Unfortunately, he needed his shots so he received two shots, one in each thigh. Oh my poor little guy!!! But I was a good mommy and remembered to give him his Tylenol beforehand so that it would start working to ease his little thigh-guys.

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